Smooth handling: The lack of safety-related consumer information in car advertisementsNick Wilson, Anthony Maher, George Thomson, Michael Keall4 October 2007
Resale of recalled children’s products online: an examination of the world’s largest yard saleKeri Brown Kirschman, Gary A Smith8 August 2007
Gun shows across a multistate American gun market: observational evidence of the effects of regulatory policiesGaren J Wintemute13 June 2007
Recruiting participants for injury studies in emergency departmentsDenise Kendrick, Ronan Lyons, Nicola Christie, Elizabeth Towner, Jonathan Benger, Lindsay Groom, Frank Coffey, Phillip Miller, Rachel Murphy19 April 2007
The US gun stock: results from the 2004 national firearms surveyL Hepburn, M Miller, D Azrael, D Hemenway12 February 2007